Dec 6, 2008

6th of December 2008

It's been a while since my last post(again...). A lot has changed actually but i juz don't feel like writing anything until now. So this is pretty much an update of what's been happening in my life since my life post. And more...
Me: 13th October 2008
It's been a month since I resigned from Event Plus Sdn Bhd. There are a few reasons but the main cause is that I don't feel like I can really utilise all that I've learned from my three years of university education. What's the point of studying screen arts if you'll be doing administration and finance? It's not even a creative department. So...
Being a freelance, I'm actually working on a few scripts. Two of them already have a buyer, thank god. And they actually come looking for me. Alhamdulillah... This actually reminds me of a chat session between me and a junior in college. She's taking screen writing and she's worried about getting a job when she finishes her studies. Why? Because of some simple minded fuckers, i repeat, FUCKERS from another faculty that think what they are learning is the only thing that matters to survive in the world. Listen here you assholes, even though you think that you are far superior beings than we are, you guys will also feel the pain if an electric pole is shoved up your asses. So don't piss me off. Leave us be. Yes, we are happy studying in our faculty. What the fuck is wrong with that? Is it wrong to smile while walking to or walking back from classes? Unlike you people, we don't have any stick sticking up our asses that makes us sour faced all the time. And if you think our subject is easy, fuck you! You have no idea. Our screen students have to learn the theory and then shoot the actual visual while studying! Our theatre student go to classes in the morning and then train for hours untill night. Compare to you people who only go to class and go back home at noon. Then books, books, books... Go to hell with your books! Books are useless without expiriences. Learn some respect for knowledge even if you are not interested in it. No wonder there are so many unemployed graduate from your kind of faculty. On the contrary, our graduate starts to make money and receive job offers even before finishing our studies. So wake up you fuckers. Don't hate us because we're happier with our life. Remove stick from butt!! Then maybe your luck will change.
For all my juniors, please be optimistic. Your seniors have been making money doing things that they love long before they graduate. Some even before studying. Living their passion. No matter what people say, finding a job is not hard. Here's a tip: GET TO KNOW PEOPLE! No matter how good your grades are, your reputation is very important. Learn to talk to people other than you boyfriends/girlfriends. It's not a problem to be in love. But lovers also got to eat right? So start making money. And the best way to make money is by doing what you like most. Believe me, the end product will be incredible. The problem with our students, especially girls is the unwillingness to sacrifice some time for education. What's the point of going back to your hometown every weekend? Do you need to be breastfed once a week or something? It's not that you can't go back, but whenever there's an opportunity to learn or experience something beneficial to your studies, you should not let it pass by on account of freaking homesick! Only three reasons for you to go back to your hometown; you haven't gone back for too long(my record is 8 months), you really have something to attend to back there and lastly, you really have nothing to do.
My life is a mess in terms of daily routine. I wake up in the morning or noon, turn on the laptop and do some writing, stop for lunch, go on the net for a bit, then it's toon time!! Hahaha... for some reason, my friends and i really like to watch Spongebob Squarepants. I don't really know what attracts us to it but my guess is the laughter that it brings. The cartoon that presents a sea sponge as a normal, square, dish-washing sponge started in 1999 and really, really, really become famous worldwide and still going strong. I dunno, he's just an adorable, stupid, yellow, square sponge. For those who doesn't know, a sea sponge is actually a real creature but...
a real sea sponge transformed into... TADDA...!!!
It's really interesting how some ides that might seem too simple can actually turn out BIG!! Another example is a cartoon from Japan. The hyper active, mega-naughty boy...
In terms af drawing, it's hard to believe that this kind of drawing comes from Japan. The origin of manga. The birth country of...
SAILORMOON...(yes, i purposely chose this picture)
NARUTO... and
But somehow, it manages to become as famous as all the animes above. He always manages to find a way to get on his mother's nerve, learning a lot from his dad while his dad learn from him, and coaches his sister to become a female version of himself. Maybe for us grown ups, the portrayal of a naughty child and the ways that he behave and react to other people makes us realize that we sometimes really miss the day that we were careless. And people loved you for it. And as you grow up, everything you do becomes responsibilities. And it keeps coming. Studies, work, family. That's just life. No matter what you chose to do with your life, ordinary people have to face responsibilities.
Ordinary... The word reminds me of the last movie that i watched with Mali, Zaidi, Hafiz, Saban and Asyraf...
The latest installment of the double-O-seven franchise really stirs up the atmosphere. I'm thinking it's mainly because Bond is really losing his identity. Firstly, Bond seems helpless most of the time. The old bond is usually in control. Whatever happens, he always had a way to deal with the situation. But in QOS, Bond is driven by his emotion, lost all sight of his duty and become an ordinary angry person. But that's actually what I like about this movie. It shows a human side of Bond. No matter how smart or diciplined you are, once you snapped, you'll go crazy. Especially for the ones you love. But the thing that really comes to my mind when watching the movie is: where are all the fancy gadget? Those are like the biggest trademark for Bond besides being very clever(not really potrayed in QOS either). All I see is a usual Aston Martin that appeared like a few minute in the beginning and got busted almost right away, and a phone that he used only like one or two times during the movie. But after all said and done, I'd say it's a cool reinvetion of Bond.
On the local side, I'm waiting to see the second movie by KRU Films, Cicakman 2. The first thing that i notice in the second film is the change of Cicakman's costume...
CICAKMAN 2 : Planet Hitam
There are also new characters introduced...
And another one called Miss Chief which I fail to find a photo. Sorry....
But what I'm really expecting is an improvement in Yusri's directing. Don't get me wrong. I'm a big fan of KRU ever since I was 8. He's really taken our movie industry to the next level with this CGI shit. But the storyline must also be up to the standard. Cicakman, was his first movie, so it's acceptable. But this time I'm really expecting something more. As he promised in a news article I read a couple of months back, there will be less comedy and more action. Well, I'll hold you it brother...
Enough of Cicakman 2. The movie's not even out yet so there's not much to say. But I actually like the theme song, Dibius Cinta byMelly Goeslow feat Yusri himself. I'm not really sure who wrote the song or composed it. But it sure have the Indonesian feel to it. I wonder why...

Enough of Cicakman. Now for a bit of promotion, my theatre club, The Arts Stage Club will be presenting our new product;
It's a story of five soldier(kindda), deciding on what is the best way to win a war. Unlike our previous products, where one of us directed a existing script (usually the work of Malina Manja) such as Ayam Jantan Ayam Betina and Tinggi-tinggi Si Matahari, this time the script is written and directed by our very own...
He's 25 years old, originally from Johor. We studied at the same faculty but he majored in acting. Anyway, the training has started and the set construction will be starting soon. You can find out more about the show from the director's blog; Vitaminisme.
Before my work at the event company ended, I made a new friend. I mean, I made a lot of new friends but she'd become kindda closer than the others. Presenting to you the 20 year old...
She's cute, she's hot, she's sexy and she loves McFlurry. What else could a boy ask for? Anyway, we've been out together several times but these days she's been busy with her work, and I'm busy with mine. We keep in touch through the phone though. But whatever it is, there's actually nothing between us. We're just friends and I'm comfortable with that. Why? You'll find out in my next post.
That's about it. Owh I almost forgot. There's another thing that we're crazy about these days...
They are just cute aren't they? I even used their song as my ringtone. Hahaha... TOODLES!!

Aug 3, 2008

The Story Of My Life....

Another song that defines me at the moment...


kau membuat ku berantakan
kau membuat ku tak karuan
kau membuat ku tak berdaya
kau menolakku acuhkan diriku

bagaimana caranya untuk
meruntuhkan kerasnya hatimu
ku sadari ku tak sempurna
ku tak seperti yang kau inginkan

kau hancurkan aku dengan sikapmu
tak sadarkah kau telah menyakitiku
lelah hati ini meyakinkanmu
cinta ini membunuhku

bagaimana caranya untuk
meruntuhkan kerasnya hatimu
ku sadari ku tak sempurna
ku tak seperti yang kau inginkan

back to reff

lelah hati ini meyakinkanmu
cinta ini membunuhku

Jul 30, 2008


Cool Song eh..?

Andra & The Backbone - Musnah

Bukan, maksud hatiku
acuhkan dirimu
didepan mataku
tapi ku tak bisa lupakan
saat dirimu membuat
diriku terhina

Sakit hatiku
Remuk jantungku
Untuk membencimu
Musnahkan cintaku

Bukan, maksud hatiku
lenyap senyumku
saat kita bertemu
tapi ku tak bisa singkirkan
enyahkan fikirku
diriku terluka

Bukan.. maksud hatiku
Tak bisa singkirkan
Diriku terluka

Musnah, musnah, woooo

Jul 28, 2008


See the smile there? Means I'm going out to have some fun!! Hoping I can just take my mind off "the dream" fror a while. God knows I needed it...

These are the three angles that helps to brighten my life for the night. From left: Eva, Manje adn Farah. Thanx a million gurls. You have no idea how much you've helped.

You gurls are the best!!

This is manje giving her best peformance. You moved me... you moved me... (Clap clap)

Eva with her best pose and facial expression for the night. Didn't know got a theatre audition that night...

Me and Eva keept the mood in the dim with "My Heart" and "Tentang Dia"... But I'm not sure about the pose that Eva gave...

And then Farah jumped in and rock the scene...

Before the night was over, Manje gave a big finish with a freaky air guitar display!!! All in all, I'd say it's an A++ night!!


Ever had that feeling when you are not sure wether you are awake or still asleep? Dreaming the good love? That everything that's happening seems to good to be true? But the most f**ked up part is when you realise that it was a dream after all. It goes away when you finally wake up. But it felt so real that the feeling grips you and refuse to set you free. The pain is to unbearable. Knowing that you have tried so hard and you'd do anything to go back to sleep and live in that dream forever. But it seems now you've got Insomnia.
Its haunting. Every step that you take, the shadow from your dream is right behind you. But when you turn around to see, there's only a dark spot of uncertainty on the ground. And you'll ask yourself; "Why? Why are you following me if you'll never become real?. When will you release me? Let me be!". But then you realise, it is you! You want it so bad, you are not willing to let go of the dream. No! No! No! It's not a matter of will. You just can't. Unable to let go.
It's a sad state of mind and it's f**king depressing. But being a sad egoistic bastard, you refuse to get help. It's your problem. You handle it yourself! But the truth is, you are hopeless. You can't help it, no one can. You still want to go back to that dreamworld. You want it so bad, that you are refusing to dream about anything else. But come to think of it, a nightmare would take your mind off of it for a while. But still, when you wake up, the blood and slashes are gone, you'll go back to being haunted by that one dream you just can't stay in.

Jun 21, 2008

As of June 2008...


It's been a while since my last post. Reason? Busy + Lazy!! What else? Anyway, since i have my hands on the net today and nothing much to do, lemme update a bit on what going on with my life these days.

I just had my convocation last month. Finally after 3 years of classes, I'm free (in a way). But it doesn't really matter coz life as a student was fun for me. Learned a lot back then that you can never really trust anybody. The survival instinct is much more powerful than love, friendship or any relationship there is. Can we be blamed for wanting to survive? I think so, IF our survival means someone else's death (figuratively speaking). It's called sacrifice. But such word don't really have a meaning these days. Right? Yes, I admit. I am the silly naive little (literally) guy...

I think most of you already know that I've already started working for almost 4 month now. Alhamdulillah... Though many doubted that I'll be getting any job after my studies, I started working 3 month before I graduated. Take that!!
Anyway, it's an event company that goes by the name Event Plus Sdn. Bhd. It's been operating since 2006 (quite new) doing events mostly for Digi. Yes, the telecomunication company. They did mostly promotion and roadshow and also big events such as Fuyo-RAP and Digi Celebriteen.
I started in the company as an event co-ordinator but after 2 month promoted to Talent Manager of the Digi Celebriteen. So my job is to take care of the 5 finalist from the Digi Celebriteen 2007.
I still have a lot to learn. But the truth is, I'm happy to be here. And I'm planning to stay for quite a while.

Alan Thoo, the big boss.

Fuyo-RAP with my part timers.

The Kids

I've also moved to a new place. Nearer to the office. Reason: I'm not doing anymore job for my theatre club, so it won't be nice to stay at the clubhouse. Not that I don't want to but most of the time I got my hands full. Sorry guys. I know some of you misunderstood or just lack the ability of understanding or maybe something else. Whatever... I'm earning my life. Yes it's been hard and it's going to get harder but it satisfies me to know that I'm paying for my own rental, buying my own food, paying for my own bills etc...
Anyway, I'm staying with 2 friends. Uni whose been in college with me for 3 years, and her bf Boy. We've just moved in for about a week so not much has been done to the house yet. But we're working on it.

My housemates.

A few days ago, a friend from Kluang came to KL. we went out that night. It was so cool to meet her after 5 years! It's almost unbelievable! Anyway, we went around KL, talking about stuff and ends our jurney at the Kota Damansara 24 hours KFC. Haha... Then I sent her back to her friend's home and then I went back to my crib.

After KFC. Burp...! Me scuzie...

That's all for now. I'll try to update more regularly (yeah right!). Toodles!!

Feb 14, 2007


Thank GOD!! After all, I got to have fun. Real fun! Sunday, 11th February 2007, 8.30 am, 4 cars move out from Puncak Perdana heading to Air Terjun Sungai Gabai in Semenyih, Selangor. Took us about an hour to get there.

Amer drived Faliq, Jaq and Fasyali in his car, Mira drived Zaidi, Ajun, Naz and I in her car, Lan drived Azhar, Budi, Adi (Budi's brother) and Dek Yan in Budi's car, and Baby drived Mali, Jaja, Lala and Ciput in her car. So there were 19 of us.
We had Nasi Lemak as breakfast as soon as we arrived, and then straight into the water.
Hahaha. Our activities that day besides playing in the water included mummifying our friends, blowing out candies from a plate full of flour and eating hanged bananas using only your our mouths.
It was fun. Thank you to Amer who put an effort to make this picnic possible.

Filling petrol at Petronas TTDI, Seksyen 13, Shah Alam.

In the car with big smiled Zaidi.

In the car with Ajun.

Arrival post by (from left) Budi, Dek Yan, Jaja, Lala Ciput and Baby.

Setting up our site.

Breakfast time!!

Breakfast on the rocks!! Haha... (Faliq & Zaidi)


Say cheese!!!

Boyband on the rocks!! Haha...

Found some waterfall beavers... :-p

What's a waterfall without a splash?!!

Helping each other with the hair...


We're making mummies!! Hahaha...

TEAM A with Ajun as their mummy.

TEAM B. Guess who's the posing mummy?

TEAM C with the cutest mummy, Lala

TEAM D with their winning mummy, Syali!

Second game, blowing out candies from flour. TEAM A won.

Floured happy faces!!


Relax on the rocks!!

Best photo of the picnic!

Cinta Terakhir is in the air...

Feelings on the stairs...

We changed and move out from the waterfall around 2.30pm, grab a lunch at a roadside laksa stall on the way and reaches college around 5pm.